Monday, August 4, 2008

Food that causes acne pimples and clear up my acne

Aloe vera, if applied directly on your face is also a very effective way to improve your acne condition. Apply aloe vera everyday and leave it on your face for about 15 minutes so that the nutrients can be absorbed by your skin. Apply once in the morning and once before going to bed if possible. The good thing about aloe vera is that it accelerates the healing process of your skin and repairs acne scars.
1) Acne skin care system - These systems usually come with a range of products targeting acne treatment. They may include a cleanser, toner or solution and moisturizer. Some of the top acne treatments will include a supplement specifically to help with treating acne. The best acne products come with both topical application as well as internal care. The best results are seen in complimenting both. As there are many acne products on the market, do a research on them before you buy. Read the reviews and check if they offer a money back guarantee.
One of the causes of acne is the natural oil on your face blocking your pores and causing blackheads and pimples. Using an oil-free face wash with either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid twice a day will help reduce the natural oils. Do not scrub your face vigorously as this can irritate your acne and actually cause inflammation. Instead, wash gently and pat dry lightly.
tags: acne fighting foods, best foundations for acne, get rid of acne

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