Thursday, October 2, 2008

Best birth control for acne

« ...Acne affects both men and women, but it is important to realize that there are several differences between the two. For instance, men are more likely than women to suffer from more severe and longer lasting forms of acne. Young women are more likely to have intermittent acne due to hormonal changes that happen because of their menstrual cycle and other hormone fluctuating times in their lives, such as during pregnancy....
...Anyone who has ever experienced acne is aware of the emotional and mental scarring that this condition can cause. Even though many people see acne as nothing but a unpleasant physical condition, its effects can actually run deeper and affect the person's personal emotions, self-image and social interactions. Acnezine is a natural medication that aims to relieve individuals of this physically and emotionally painful condition. But does it really work? We tested it, and this is what we found out....»
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«...I was gutted, as I knew it would not be possible to do that fast twice a month, for two reasons: 1) it's very hard to eat nothing but apples and leaves you with no energy at all, and 2) doing the fast that often might have been dangerous for me as I was already underweight and found that it made me lose some weight......»
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tags: non hormonal acne b5, acne face and herpes, howq to know if my acne is getting better

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