Monday, June 2, 2008

Homemade face masks to help acne and acne vitamins

Buy gentle skin cleanser for acne, and wash daily. Over cleansing the skin, can cause irritation and may aggravate your skin condition. OTC bactericidal products containing benzoyl peroxide may be used. In females, acne can be improved with hormonal treatments.
The adult acne may be due to continues physical pressure on your facial skin known as acne mechanical. Examples of this condition are holding a violin between the jaw and chin and the straps of a backpack. Some medications can induce acne. These medications include anabolic steroids, some anti-epileptic medications, the anti-tuberculosis drugs, some birth control pills and medication containing lithium and iodine.
Many people will go to the doctor hoping to find a treatment for their acne. Doctors will commonly prescribe a type of drug to help clear their acne. Although this is a popular option, there are some prescriptions that will cause more harm in the long run. Let's go over the various prescription drugs that are prescribed for acne:
tags: top 10 body acne treatments, acne home remedies, acne scar removal creams

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